Adventures in Engineering

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API specs are for more than just docs

OpenAPI is an excellent tool for defining an API, yet its often treated as just a documentation tool. In this post, I’ll explore how an OpenAPI spec can drive many parts of your API lifecycle.

Purposeful first commit

“Initial commit” is so uninspiring yet we’ve all committed it somewhere! I’ve recently found myself creating a noticeable handful of repositories for various projects and it got me thinking: whats in a first commit...

#MSBuild – Technical Advisory Group

Surprise (or no surprise) – I’m in Seattle for #MSBuild this week! I’m also delighted to be part of a small Microsoft-invited group called TAG (Technical Advisory Group), composed of folks from around the world...

Jack's laptop featuring stickers


Ever found yourself finding nothing to contribute to a meeting? Or perhaps giving one piece of somewhat token input as a stakeholder and otherwise uninvolved? Yeah, I get that a lot. Meetings sap hours of my productive...

State of the version

It’s become somewhat of a tradition to do a PHP version round up at the end of the year. In 2014 Anthony Ferrara posted PHP versions in the wild and last year I continued the tradition (with his blessings) with my PHP...

Install PHP7.1 on OSX with homebrew

Last year I published this handy guide for installing PHP 7 on homebrew. This week, I went and bumped my local machine to the new 7.1 beta3^, and here’s how. If you’ve already installed 7 locally, chances are you’ve...